Christmas Breakfast at the Beach
Gourmet pancake mix, Gourmet maple syrup, Gourmet coffee, coffee
mugs in a Christmas themed bucket.
Rudney Solomon Cohen & Felzer PC
Hanukkah basket
Hanukkah wrapped candy bar, Jewish candy, Hanukkah popcorn tin,
mixed nuts, and cookies.
Rudney Solomon Cohen & Feltzer PC
Christmas basket
Joy's Italian Biscotti, Christmas wrapped chocolate bar,
Christmas popcorn tin, bagel chips, chocolate covered pretzels.
Christmas Tea basket
Christmas mug with tea cookie, and an assortment of flavored teas.
Christmas Snack basket
Christmas mug, hot chocolate, cookies and candy.
Snowmen basket
Snowman potholders, Snowman guest towel, Snowflake mugs, Gourmet coffee, Gourmet cookies, and Ghirardelli chocolates.